Wood rod tube protective sleeve

  • I have made a number of hexagonal wood rod tubes. Years ago at one of the gatherings someone had access to some green knitted sleeves and I bought quite a few yards of it. I sewed the bottom shut and made a tube at the other end with a drawstring to close over the top of the wood tube. I am out of the material and can’t seem to find any on line. I’d appreciate any advice about where such an item can be bought. If anyone has another idea about how to protect the outside of a wood rod tube I’d appreciate that too.
    Below are links to photos of a sleeve I made in the past and the current tube that needs protection. It’s for a Paul Young Perfectionist, 7’6” long, 2 piece, 2 tips. The tube is currently about 48” long to be cut to fit the rod before fitting the end and top caps.
    Barry Mayer
    Shaftsbury, VT
    https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipN ... sxi8EeIrdR
    https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipO ... iLv4NRLnif

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