
Outside the Lines Unity with the Universe Can a fly rod really hold the secret of life? In the central Montana mountains, a paralyzed man and his wife are proving the answer just might be yes. View the original article...
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Tom Morgan The never ending pursuit of the perfect FlyRod by Andy Dear Webster's defines the word Master as “An artist, performer, or player of consummate skill” Tom Morgan is a “Master” of the art of rodmaking…period. A craftsman in...
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Round Up – Gear & Tips for Cold-Weather Fly Fishing in Fly Fishing 2019, Round Up Die-hard fly anglers don’t let the weather hold them back: They gear up and go, rain, sleet, or snow. But most have a well-worn,...
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Devout About Trout A few of Bozeman’s piscine practitioners. As many famous writers have noted, fishing is religion to Montana anglers. And few churches are more well-attended than the Temple of Bozeman, where congregants receive the word of trout daily....
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Why I Love the Tom Morgan Rodsmith O'Dell Fly Rod Tom Morgan is a legend. The famed rod builder purchased R.L. Winston Rod Co. in 1973, moved it to Twin Bridges, Montana in the thick of some of the best...
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