TMR One-Piece Bamboo Rod Overview

When we began designing our one-piece bamboo rod, we knew immediately it had to share the same genes as our previous two-piece 7' 6" 4-weight bamboo rods. It needed to be sensitive, accurate, and impeccably crafted.There is a bit of mystery when you design a fly rod, you make some estimates and use principles that have served you well in the past. Buy you don't know what you have until you get a line and cast it on the water. We've been surprised at each turn of the process, and we have been exceedingly pleased with the reviews and impressions we have received for this design. Here’s how we included our cornerstone design criteria during the development process
- Sensitivity and Responsiveness: One-piece fly rods (of any build material) exhibit unparalleled sensitivity and responsiveness compared to their multi-piece counterparts. With no ferrules to interrupt the rod's action, the energy transfer from the angler to the fly is seamless, resulting in enhanced accuracy and control. Every subtle movement of the line is transmitted directly to the angler's hand, allowing for precise presentations and delicate fly manipulation. Pair this with our beloved TMR handle that is glued and shaped right on the rod blank and you are provided with the ultimate feel.
- Improved Casting Accuracy: The seamless construction of these one-piece fly rods contributes to their casting performance, enabling anglers to achieve repeatable pinpoint accuracy. Without the added weight and stiffness of ferrules, one-piece rods offer a smoother casting stroke and increased line speed, allowing for smoother casts with less effort. Whether targeting distant risers or presenting a fly with precision in tight quarters, one-piece rods give anglers the edge they need to succeed on the water.
- Timeless TMR Quality and Craftsmanship: Beyond the performance advantages, these bamboo one-piece fly rods exude the TMR quality that is known throughout the industry. From hand-turned reel seats to meticulously wrapped guides, one-piece rods showcase the dedication and skill of the rod builder. Trust us, this rod will be a cherished heirloom and passed down through generations.
We should also add that building a one-piece fly rod isn't as easy as saying "lets build a one-piece fly rod." Our rod shop in Bozeman, MT had to be modified greatly to accommodate this unique rod build. From using the extension bed on our Morgan Handmill, selecting different bamboo culms, moving our lathe to shape the handle, how we bind them, and more. We can honestly say that this was a larger project than we anticipated!
At the end of this nearly year-and-a-half journey, we have built a rod that we truly believe Tom would be proud of. He said “The blank is perfect, and the less you do to it, the less you mess it up!”. This rod surely embodies that sentiment.
We're only making 20 of these unique rods and once they're spoken for, they're gone! If you're ready to own a piece of TMR history, follow the link.